Solstice Greetings from a friend in Guatemala

Greetings from Guatemala


The editorial below, published a few days ago, by the 1992 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Maya Quiche, Rigoberta Menchu reiterates this message.

“The Mayan civilization, has been studied the world over, not only in the cultural field, commonly demonstrated through the folklore in our country, but also from a scientific angle, cultivated in an extraordinary way and strictly to the point that to this day, today modern science not only corroborates our knowledge but also continually discovers new advances of our sciences.

The mathematical and astronomical knowledge was huge, branches reflected, no doubt, in our different calendars, which are derived in wonderful conjunctions of time. Maya astronomical science, for example, is a reflection of human evolution on the paths through the galaxy and universe, which has allowed us, likewise, to understand and comprehend, first of all, that the universe is life, and secondly, that this is concatenated with the cosmic whole.

Within the Maya concept of time, what will happen on December 21 is not catastrophic. Everything said in the latter direction is only the malicious vulgarization, by a prevailing culture of fear, imposed and extended to a society in crisis, a fact which is completely opposite of the true meaning. Actually what will happen in our galaxy, in the framework of this concept, is what is known as the birth of a new sun and thus the continuity of the counting of time and Mayan calendrical cycles in sync with exceptional conditions for the cosmic return of life and the construction of this phenomenon has been fully natural, without mechanical and automatization.

The New Age, that starts next Friday in the Gregorian calendar and the Mayan calendar in Kajib ‘Ajpu is not unique only to the Mayan or indigenous peoples, but for all peoples and therefore for all mankind. The cosmos, the universe, and its energies involve absolutely everyone, and so in time to come we will have an opportunity for the beginning of a new destination, which will be marked by the pursuit of harmony, understanding , justice, and peace in society and this in tune with Mother Nature.

The present generations, from their calendrical, and astronomical legacy and our Mayan cosmogonic ancestors, now have the opportunity not only to learn but to live a unique and wonderful moment, on which are placed with the highest expectations and hope. The start of the New Sun must also be an intense struggle that leads the human being towards no fear, towards finding inner peace.

As we gather these spiritual capitals, which must also be supported by the values and ethics in human action, societies must necessarily yield the expected shift in which the inequities and injustices will be no more. Of course, the best destination, is also best for Mother Nature, because greed, in its attempt to subdue her until now continues to destroy her. (Translation by Google Translate)

Good wishes to everyone at the beginning of the New Age.


On the eve of the Oxlajuj Baktun/Thirteen Baktun (5,200 year cycle), the indigenous pueblos of Guatemala are preparing for a grand celebration .  Mayan communities across the country are planning activities to celebrate this memorable occasion on December 20 and 21, 2012. Among events to take place are traditional Mayan ceremonies, commemorative Oxlajuj Baktun ceremonies, dances, music, presentations, and other cultural and social events.

Shamans will lead the sacred fire ceremonies: artists will share their music and dance: educators and orators will share their words and prose; spiritual leaders will share their wisdom; and community leaders will exercise their organization skills, solidarity and humility.

On the other hand, the Guatemala government, through the Ministry of Culture of Guatemala is promoting the Thirteen Baktun event in 13 sacred Mayan sites scattered around the country.

The following links are from the Guatemala Ministry of Culture and provide written information, videos, still images, and official agendas for the 13 sacred sites. For those who do not read Spanish, you can use Google Translate.

Maya Dawn

One Step Away from the Final Close of the Cycle

The Baktun Lives

Official Agenda of activtiies on December 20 and 21

Although the government  has been actively promoting this event, many indigenous leaders are requesting that the government do not celebrate Thirteen Baktun because it’s been grossly over-commercialized.

Meanwhile, Amilcar Pop, of Winaq and deputy chairman of the Congressional Transparency Committee requests the Government cancel the activities that are planned for 13 B’aktun, indigenous organizations reiterated their rejection of these celebrations for commercial use that is made using Maya peoples.

Pop said that “as a representative  Maya, he feels offended because the state has hidden amounts of money spent and not fully declared them all and they have,” folklorized our-identity. ” He explained that the government has been irresponsible on several issues, citing conflicts in Totonicapán, lack of policies against racism, breach of international conventions, such as respect for consultations with indigenous peoples, among others.

He added: “I asked the Minister of Culture, Carlos Batzin, to not play with our sacred fire to let the  President know.” I also requested the cancellation of 13 B’aktun activities “because they have not complied with the policies demanded by indigenous peoples.”

Jose Antonio Cac, leader of the Mayan and Xinka, explained that “now we see that the government and private companies are marketing the B’aktun Oxlajuj name,  for commercial and tourist purposes only.”
Cac said despite the celebration announced by the Presidency, ” they do not stop to analyze the situation and needs of indigenous peoples, so we ask them to stop  these practices that continue to affect our culture. They commercialize the principles and values ​​of the indigenous peoples of Guatemala. ”

President Otto Perez said he is not marketed the B’aktun 13 activity. “If you notice, we wanted to make a celebration of a much bigger way than it is being done.”

Perez revealed that several activities were suspended that were already planned and the main reason was because he respected the decisions of the commission appointed and the views of indigenous communities. He stressed that the celebration that will take place on 21 December,” belongs to all Guatemalans.”

Perez insisted that there is no commercialization at all and that the only aim is to give prominence to the protagonists, which in this case, are the indigenous peoples, who will be responsible for carrying out the activities.


A film was released this week for “free viewing” on the internet that is titled  Shift of the Ages. The Shift of the Ages is a dramatic documentary film that reveals the story of the Mayan culture and its sophisticated prophecies of time, as told for the first time by the Grand Elder of the Mayan people, Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj. The file is one hour and twenty six minutes long. You can view the film at this link.


We are fortunate and thankful to be here in Guatemala during this special occasion. Our family will be joing the Maya Oxlajuj Baxtun celebration with close friends over the next two days in different locations close to our home in Solola.

I hope you all take some time to celebrate this important event in your own way and faith, and that you consciously participate in welcoming the new “Fourteen Baktun” Cycle, and take advantage of the energies manifesting during this time to enhance your spiritual growth and evolution.

Blessings to all,   Felipe Gonzales

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