This month we will celebrate the FULL MOON OF ARIES on Saturday, March 19th at 6:00 pm at our home, 1805 West 10th Street, Loveland, CO. It will be a potluck. Bring a friend. All are welcome. Don’t forget to connect with the group soul this Full Moon no matter where you are physically on the planet. Get together with friends and family. It is especially important that we all do this now that The Shift of the Ages is in full gear.
Also, we will talk about OESTARA eggs and other ancient fertility spring rites. This is the Festival of Easter, the first of the three annual major festivals. Remember that the natural year starts on the Spring Equinox, which happens also on March 19th this year. The Spring Equinox is when the Sun enters the sign of Aries. So four days later we are having the Full Moon of Aries. The actual time of this Full Moon is on Wednesday March 23, at 6:01 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time. So Sunday March 20, 2016 is Palm Sunday and Sunday March 27, 2016 is Easter Sunday. We just had a very significant New Moon Solar Eclipse on March 8, 2016. Please check out the series of articles on this by astrologer extraordinaire Robert Wilkinson starting here:
Eclipses always come in at least pairs, so now we are moving to the following Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aries.
“I Come Forth and from the Plane of Mind, I Rule”
Our work is based on the writings of the Tibetan Master Djwal Khul as recorded by Alice Bailey. For more information on the writings of Djwal Khul, The Great Invocation, and the New Group of World Servers see:
Finally, here is the monthly information from the good people at
2016 Meditation Theme ~ Aries
Cosmically Aligned, We Embrace
The Eternal Rhythm of the Ages,
The Rhythm of the Sages
Our meditation focus for the Aries 2016 cycle continues to utilize this keynote. Throughout the coming year, we’ll be exploring Cosmic Freedom in attunement to the Rhythm of the Ages and Sages.
Each year, our journey as One renews the expression of our awareness of the cyclic zodiacal energies through identification with the Divine ~ presently via the Monad, our highest aspect.
Our Monadic essence joins with the planetary Hierarchy to approach Shamballa. There is a broadening of inclusiveness, as the connection of Heart and Head is emphasized.
Building of the bridge between lower and higher mind is ” … the first step towards achieving monadic consciousness, and thus the first step towards the Way of the Higher Evolution.” (2)
Moving through Aries, our united efforts bring us ever closer to our Divine Destiny, relating humanity and the earth to greater beings and cycles beyond our planetary experience.
Aries is, as might be expected, closely connected with the Great Bear but peculiarly so with one of the stars called The Pointers; these point to the Pole star which is at this time a major “star of direction.” Direction, will, purpose and plan are all connected with the solar Logos and with His evolutionary undertakings in connection with the many lives manifesting in the vehicle of expression which we call the solar system. All these respond to the influences of the first ray which is, to all intents and purposes, the energy of divine embodied will, which has been esoterically described as “unavoidable directed purpose.” (1)
Direction and Purpose are expressions of the Will aspect, exemplified in Aries as this quality initiates the new yearly cycle. The Principle of Decision guides our choices and actions, offering an opportunity to advance goodwill and right human relations.
As aspirants and disciples, we now consciously realign with the Divine Plan ~ the unfolding Purpose of the One Life. Through embodiment of the Principle of Decision, we then become steadier in our service expression.
Electric fire manifests as Unity of Spirit and expresses the Will aspect of deity.
As Watchers of the Dawn we Light workers are called to wield the incoming forces by aligning with and directing the inflow of energies to reveal the Synthesis of Life Itself. All are valuable in this endeavor.
Calling upon the available Will during the Aries cycle, there is opportunity for Clarity leading to Freedom as we determine to overcome all that dilutes the highest expression of Life in our shared experiences.
We Rise
We Know
We Serve