Black Hills Full Moon Group-The Gemini Festival of Humanity-June 14, 2011

This month we will celebrate the FULL MOON OF GEMINI on Tuesday June 14th at 6:30 pm at our home. Please note that we will begin at 6:30pm with our potluck meal.  (Directions are shown at the bottom of the page. There is now road construction in our area.)Full Moon of Gemini

The Full Moon of Gemini (pictured above) is the last of the three major Full Moon Festivals each year. It is the Festival of Humanity, The Goodwill Festival, and is also known as World Invocation Day. This is the time that we send out all the love and light that was created and built during the first two festivals. As the light goes forth we remember that we truly are all one family. All of us are continuing to evolve individually as part of the ongoing planetary transformation.

Please connect with the group soul this Full Moon no matter where you are physically on the planet. Get together with friends and family. You will be glad that you did. The actual Full Moon is on Wednesday June 15, at 2:14 pm Mountain Daylight Time. Come on over to our place next Tuesday evening, or celebrate wherever you are. Remember that this is a global event. It affects the entire planet. Let us link up with the thousands of people who are celebrating this Full Moon and affirm that there is Peace in the World.

We also will be meeting on Wednesday, June 22 at 6:30pm for the ongoing class in

Lighting the Lantern. All are welcome. There is no potluck for the class.

The recent New Moon on June 1 was an eclipse. The Full Moon of June 15 is also an eclipse. The third eclipse will follow on July 1. For insightful and important articles on the current series of eclipses and Jupiter’s recent ingress into Taurus as well as the Gemini Festival of Humanity, go to:

“We can find a sense of balanced peacefulness by knowing what is no longer a part of our life, and liquidating whatever parts of our past would hinder our entrance into new realms of development. This Eclipse [of June 1] will shut down old ideas, old environments, and old memories these next 44 months, allowing space for new forms of these to take shape between early June and mid-July.

Keep getting glimpses of what fulfills you in a higher or timeless sense, withdraw from shallowness and wrong views while preserving your dignity, and carry through to completion that which helps you see that you’re part of a larger life. There are gifts, revelations, and joyous interactions promised by this Lunation, so adapt, adjust, and enjoy!” – Robert Wilkinson

Our work is based on the writings of the Tibetan Master Djwal Khul as recorded by Alice Bailey. For more information on the writings of Djwal Khul, The Great Invocation, and the three annual major Full Moon Festivals see:

Finally, here is the link for the monthly information from the good people at

“At the time of the Full Moon of June (during the sign of Gemini), the Christ releases the strength, the power and the special energies which He has received at the time of the Wesak Festival when annually He, the Buddha and the Lord of the World have created a Triangle of Light.”

Namaste.                    Mitakuye Oyasin.                     Pax Vobiscum.

Douglas Clayton Uptain
Mary Ellen Uptain
4105 Woodbine Place
Rapid City, SD

From Main Street at the Gap take Jackson Boulevard south to Sheridan Lake Road. There is now road construction at Canyon Lake Park. You cannot access Canyon Lake Drive from Jackson. So detour by turning right onto Sheridan Lake Road. Take it to Canyon Lake Drive. At the corner of Sheridan Lake Road and Canyon Lake Drive, turn left onto Canyon Lake Drive.  Go westbound. It will become one way. Keep going a few short blocks until you come to Woodbine Place, which is in the curve.  It is gravel, with a dead-end sign at the entrance. Turn left into Woodbine, and ours is the second house on the right.

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