Our granddaughter has arrived

Our first granddaughter was born at 9:30 pm MDT on July 1, 2011. Her name is Teagan Jean Hudson. Teagan is a good Gaelic name that means “beautiful one.”

We are very excited. We had been feeling her energy for some time. These young ones that are coming in now are the ones that will really usher in the New Age in its full glory. The separating New Moon Eclipse falls in her sixth house of service. She has late Cap rising and Mercury on her descendant. She has a lot to say and is well versed in the old ways and Goddess lore. The minute she was born she cried loudly nonstop for over an hour. Look out world, I am here! LMAO! We are so happy. My wife is really happy. She is at a women’s New Moon Circle as I post this. The women are reclaiming their power and putting a stop to endless wars and misery for humanity. So Mote it Be. Love and Light to all.

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